T  03 5225 5245

E  ezeglinas@ha.legal

L  /evelyn-zeglinas

Evelyn Zeglinas is an Associate in the Harwood Andrews’ Commercial Law team.

She brings a unique perspective to her practice, having worked for various clients across a range of industries, including hotels and tourism, community housing sector and entertainment. She adopts a strategic approach to complex transactions, ensuring that legal considerations align with her clients’ commercial objectives.

Evelyn has extensive experience in working on social infrastructure projects across Victoria, Queensland and New South Wales. Recently, she has been involved in the following significant projects: 

  1. Advised National Affordable Housing Consortium as part of the successful Everyone’s Place consortium led by Tetris Capital on the development and management of 483 affordable homes across Southeast Queensland to be delivered under Queensland’s Housing Investment Fund. 

  2. Advised on the development and acquisition of 96 dwellings in Mt Waverley, which was successfully delivered under the Social Housing Growth Fund Rapid Grants Round by Pace Development Group in partnership with National Affordable Housing Consortium. 

  3. Advised project partners in relation to the Housing Australia Future Fund and Affordable Housing Partnership Program tender submissions. This included advising in relation to legal document structure, funding application to Housing Australia and Homes Victoria, and preparing documents between project partners for the tender submission. 

  4. Advised on the development of 117 dwellings in regional Victoria under the Social Housing Growth Fund Build and Operate Program. 

  5. Advised on partnership arrangements with developers for the management of dwellings to be delivered as part of the State of Queensland's Build-to-Rent Pilot Project and other project in Victoria and New South Wales.

Evelyn’s key areas of practice include: 

  • Preparation and negotiation of commercial contracts;

  • Assisting clients in responding to state and federal government tenders and subsequent negotiation of various government procurement and funding agreements;

  • Acting for business vendors and purchasers, including in relation to asset, business, share and unit sales;

  • Advising in relation to the acquisition, construction and/or management of social infrastructure projects; and

  • Hotel disposals and acquisitions.

Download a PDF version of Evelyn Zeglinas's professional profile