This webinar is aimed at leaders and directors of not-for-profits and charities.
Are you a not-for-profit organisation? Not-for-profits are not just charities - they can be schools, sporting clubs or hobby clubs. If you are involved in a not-for-profit organisation, no matter how large or small, then this event is for you.
We are very pleased to announce Phil Butler, Not For Profit Sector Leader for the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) as our keynote speaker at this year's webinar. Phil has worked closely with Boards, CEO’s and Directors of organisations in Public and Not for Profit sectors.
Trudy Marr will talk about her experience in her role as Chief Operating Officer - Corporate Services at MPower.
And as always, the Harwood Andrews not-for-profit team, led by Principal Paul Gray, will look back on 2022/2023 and discuss mergers, governance, intellectual property protection and more in the not-for-profit sector.
Please enjoy the recording of this live webinar