Fighting over the family fortune – Baby Boomer estate disputes ready to boom
The article indicated that there is a $3.5 trillion intergenerational wealth transfer expected over the next decade, in the form of inheritances flowing from the first group of the Baby Boomer generation (born from 1946 to 1964) who are nearing the age of average life expectancy.
“Homemade” Wills – Can Cost A Fortune
There have been some difficult cases for the supreme Court in the past two years resulting from people trying to do a Will at home in their dying days, or leaving a note written at home attempting to amend a previously made Will.
Lovers, Domestic Partners Or Spouses?
In the “old days”, when life was simpler, couples were married or they weren’t, and the law didn’t need to deal with any middle ground.
Estate Planning in the New Financial Year – Put Your Tax Return to Use
Take advantage of your tax return this new financial year by investing in your estate planning, and ensure that your hard-earned assets are distributed according to your wishes, with the help of our Wills and Estates team.