Ainsley Sellman is a Lawyer working in the Harwood Andrews’ Property Law team.
Ainsley completed a Bachelor of Laws with Deakin University and was admitted to practice in 2022. After being admitted to practice, Ainsley lived and practiced in New South Wales, before making the move back to Geelong and joining the Harwood Andrews team in 2023.
Before being admitted to practice, Ainsley worked as a conveyancing clerk and as a client services manager with a finance broker and has more than 10 years’ experience in residential sales and purchases. She enjoys building relationships with clients and is committed to delivering positive outcomes.
Ainsley's key areas of practice include:
Acquisition and sales of residential land
Acquisition and sales of commercial property
Related party transfers of land
Commercial and retail Leasing
Retirement Village purchases
Transfers of trust property and stamp duty exemptions/concessions
Download a PDF version of Ainsley Sellman's Professional Profile