ATO declares payment of a death benefit to a spouse’s estate not to be tax-free
In a Private Binding Ruling, the ATO determined that payment of a death benefit to a spouse’s estate is not tax-free under section 302-10(2) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
New BTR tax incentives
As Australia grapples with a housing affordability crisis, the need for a solution is becoming increasingly important. The build to rent (BTR) sector is emerging as a potential part of the solution to alleviating the housing crisis.
Transfers to trustees or custodians of superannuation funds or trusts
A transfer of dutiable property made without monetary consideration to a trustee or custodian of a complying superannuation fund where there is no change in the beneficial ownership of the property.
Neal v Brown – Difficulties with Superannuation Deathbed Withdrawals
The recent NSW Supreme Court case of Neal v Brown [2024] NSWSC 841 highlights the adverse and unforeseen consequences of withdrawing superannuation death benefits before one’s death.
This case emphasis the necessity of not only considering tax implications when withdrawing superannuation benefits before death but also how such withdrawals interact with the terms of a will. Proper estate planning is essential to ensure that the distribution of assets aligns with the deceased’s wishes.
Victorian Government Introduces New 7.5% Short Stay Levy Bill
The Victorian Government introduces new bill imposing a levy or tax of 7.5% on short-term accommodations
Oliver Hume Decision: Victorian Landholders Duty Applies on Capital Raising based on “substantially one arrangement”
The Victorian Court of Appeal’s recent decision in Oliver Hume Property Funds (Broad Gully Rd) Diamond Creek Pty Ltd v Commissioner of State Revenue [2024] VSCA 175 has settled that, in Victoria, aggregation applies to the acquisition of shares or units by investors, even in circumstances where the investors are unrelated under the one syndication or capital raising process.
High Court Ruling - Land Tax Exemption for Primary Production
The High Court has ruled on the ‘dominant use test’ for the primary production land tax exemption. In the recent Godolphin case, the multifactorial analysis has been confirmed with no one factor being regarded as determinative. The Court has clarified that the ‘dominant use’ requirement qualifies must be both the lands use as well as its purpose.
Changes to Holiday Home exemption for Vacant Residential Land Tax
On 4 June 2024, the State Taxation Amendment Act 2024 (Act) received Royal Assent. The Act, amongst other significant taxation changes, amends the holiday home exemption by introducing new provisions to section 88A of the Land Tax Act 2005 (LTA).
Merristock v Commissioner of State Revenue: Primary Production Land Tax Exemption and Discretionary Trusts
Taxpayer successfully appeals against Victorian State Revenue Office (SRO) decision that land owned by them was not eligible for the primary production land tax exemption.
ATO Seeks to Mitigate NALI Setback in BPFN Ruling
The ATO responds to the BPFN ruling, which challenged its stringent stance on non-arm's length income (NALI) in SMSFs. While maintaining the importance of benchmarking, the ruling highlights the validity of commercial assessments in private lending schemes.
New Land Tax Exemption for Social and Emergency Housing
The Victorian State Budget for 2024/2025 has revealed a new tax measure for land utilised in social and emergency housing. This new land tax exemption aims to clarify existing arrangements, ensuring landowners involved in such housing initiatives are not burdened by excessive land tax obligations.
Reversal of Land Transfer to Self-Managed Super Fund Due to Unconscionable Conduct
The New South Wales Supreme Court reverses land transfer to SMSF due to son's unconscionable conduct in Cihan Family Trust v Cihan Family Superannuation Fund [2023] NSWSC 1289
Baullo v Commissioner of State Revenue [2023] VCAT 1164: Beneficiary Loans, Land Transfer Duty, and Discretionary Trusts
The VCAT ruling of Baullo v Commissioner of State Revenue [2023] VCAT 1164 (Baullo), has reaffirmed the position of the State Revenue Office (SRO) that forgiving beneficiary loans in relation to a distribution of property from a discretionary trust to a beneficiary will prohibit utilisation of the exemption to land transfer (stamp) duty afforded by section 36A of the Duties Act 2000 (Act).
Family Farm Transfer Exemption – Transferring the Family Farm to related Parties
Farmland is often the single most valuable asset for a farming family. The farm provides a base from which to operate the farming business and the capital value of the farmland typically increases in value over the long term.
Stamp duty exemption - transfer from discretionary trust to beneficiary
Ordinarily, land transfer duty (stamp duty) is paid by the transferee at the time of the transfer of dutiable property, such as real property, unless an exemption to stamp duty is applicable.
The ATO’s Crypto Tracking and Data Collection Processes
The Australian Tax Office (ATO) has released a statement outlining their priorities ahead of the end of financial year 2021/22, with crypto-assets being one of these priorities due to its rising popularity.
Draft Land Tax Ruling - Land Tax Exemption for Charities
On 15 February 2022, the Victorian State Revenue Office (SRO) published ruling LTA-009 (Draft Ruling) that replaced the previous rulings of LTA-004 and LTA-005.
The consultation process closed for comments and submissions on 15 March 2022. We will provide updates when the SRO releases their final ruling in due course.
Employee Share Schemes – Another Report Supports Further Reform
Although Employee Share Schemes (ESSs) are appealing on the surface, they are undermined by complex legislation and confusion regarding upfront or deferred taxation.
Tax expert, Rob Warnock, bolsters Harwood Andrews’ commercial practice
Harwood Andrews is pleased to announce that as of 1 July 2021, preeminent tax lawyer
Rob Warnock will join the Business Law Team in Geelong.
The ATO’s Stance on Capital Gains, Discretionary Trusts and Foreign Residents
In the decisions of Greensill (Thawley J) and Martin (Steward J), the Federal Court found in favour of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) that section 855-10 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA 1997) did not disregard a non-taxable Australian property capital gain distributed to a foreign beneficiary of an Australian discretionary trust.