Changes for private ancillary funds in the pipeline
In a recent speech to the Community Council for Australia forum, Assistant Treasurer Josh Frydenberg flagged that the Abbott Government plan to make changes to the way in which private ancillary funds can distribute their assets and wind-up
A further 6,000 charities face deregistration by the ACNC
The Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission have issued a final warning to 6,000 charities that face deregistration for failing to lodge their AIS for two consecutive years. If deregistered, these charities will lose their entitlement to tax concessions
ACNC revokes registration of 1380 double defaulters
1380 charities, including 170 Victorian charities, will no longer be eligible for tax concessions as the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) has revoked their registration. These charities have been deregistered due to failure to lodge their Annual Information Statement (AIS) for two consecutive years.
ACNC deregisters 'Get Rid of SIDS Project'
The Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC) has announced its decision to revoke the registration of Queensland charity ‘Get Rid of SIDS Project Inc’, a charity reportedly linked to controversial anti-vaccine lobbyists Stephanie Messenger and Sherri Tenpenny. The charity was established in 2010 and has since sought donations to fund a study into whether toxic gases coming from mattresses cause SIDS.
Calling all innovative charities - telcos seek expressions of interest for charities to participate in SMS donation pilot program
Donating to charity is set to become even easier with telcos seeking 15 charities to participate in a 12 month pilot of a program enabling mobile users to make donations via SMS. Set to commence in July this year, the program is being coordinated by the Telco Together Foundation, an organisation which includes representatives from Telstra, Optus and Vodafone
Sham charities rife in wake of Cyclone Pam
Sham charities established to take advantage of generous donors seeking to help victims of Cyclone Pam in Vanuatu have come to the attention of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC)
A cautionary tale for fundraisers
Melbourne businesswoman Belle Gibson, developer of the popular iPhone/iPad app ‘The Whole Pantry’, is facing investigation by Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV) following allegations that her company has been undertaking illegal fundraising activities.
1,400 ACNC Charities face deregistration and loss of tax concessions
The ACNC have announced that up to 1,400 ACNC registered charities face deregistration unless they lodge their Annual Information Statement (AIS) by 30 March 2015. Each of these charities has failed to lodge their AIS for 2 consecutive years. If deregistered, they will no longer be eligible for charity tax concessions including income tax, fringe benefit tax and GST.
ACNC deregistration of Balls4Life
The Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission (ACNC) has announced its decision to deregister the former AFL affiliated charity Balls4Life. Established in 2010, the charity raised money to fund prostate cancer research by selling signed match-day footballs and auctioning them on the Balls4Life website.
Australia’s Charities and Not-for-profits - Options Paper released
In line with its election promise to abolish the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC), the Abbott Government has now released Options Paper, Australia’s Charities and Not-for-profits which seeks feedback on its proposed arrangements for charities in Australia. The Government’s proposed arrangements attempt to balance the administrative burden of reporting with the need for organisations receiving concessional tax treatment to be publicly accountable.