GST on the sale of residential property – a lesson from the Sebel Manly Beach Hotel
In the case of MSAUS v FC of T the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) recently held that Division 135 of the A New Tax System \Goods and Services Tax Act (GST Act) did not apply to impose an increasing adjustment (an amount of GST on an otherwise GST-free transaction) to the sale of leased residential apartments.
Legislation passed to cut corporate tax rate and increase turnover threshold for small business entities
As previously reported here, the Government introduced a Bill into Parliament to increase the aggregated turnover threshold for small business entities seeking to access small business tax concessions to less than $10 million and to reduce the corporate tax rate for small business entities to 27.5% from the 2016/17 income years.
Partner is denied access to partnership’s carried forward tax losses
In RGGW and Commissioner of Taxation [2017] AATA 238, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) held that tax losses were not available to a corporate partner in a property development partnership due to poor evidence to support its claim for losses.
Commissioner is under no duty to issue amended land tax assessments
The High Court of Australia has recently allowed an appeal against a decision of the Victorian Court of Appeal and found that the Commissioner of State Revenue (Commissioner) was not under a duty to issue amended assessments and refund an excess amount of land tax that was erroneously been paid by a taxpayer.
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) small business concessions barred - income from incidental activity of associated entity counted toward determining aggregated annual turnover
The Full Federal Court of Australia denied the application of the CGT small business 50% active asset reduction on the basis that an unusual activity carried on by an associated entity to the taxpayer contributed to the aggregated annual turnover of the taxpayer and associated entity to be more than $2,000,000.
Deadline looming for rectification of non-commercial LRBA loans - get in quick!
As set out in our previous article, the deadline for ensuring non-commercial related party limited recourse borrowing arrangement (LRBA) loans are rectified to reflect commercial terms is 31 January 2017. This date is fast approaching and SMSF trustees must take immediate action to ensure compliance with the ATO’s guidelines set out in PCG 2016/5.
Proposed amendments to “aggregate schemes” under the debt-equity rules
On 10 October 2016, the Federal Government released an Exposure Draft to amend the debt and equity rules in Division 974 of Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 for the purpose of implementing recommendations made by the Board of Taxation in its April 2015 report Review of the Debt and Equity Tax Rules.
Small Business Restructure Roll-over – aggregated turnover test to be increased to $10 million
The Government has confirmed that the proposed increase of the aggregated turnover threshold for small business entities of $10 million will apply to the Small Business Restructure Roll-over relief provisions available from 1 July 2016.
Innovation and the R&D Tax Incentives
One of the many ways in which the government is encouraging innovation is through a series of Research and Development tax incentives, in particular the R & D Tax Incentive Program.
Profit from the development and sale of a commercial property by a private family group found to be on capital account
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) recently held in FLZY and Commissioner of Taxation that profit arising from the sale of a building by a family trust that was part of a privately held family group (Group) gave rise to a discount capital gain despite the wider property building, development and investment activities undertaken by the Group. The decision demonstrates the importance of considering a taxpayer’s purpose and intention when acquiring and developing real estate within the broader factual context of the activities undertaken by a taxpayer and any related entities.
Wine Equalisation Tax Rebate
In light of the 2016-2017 Federal Budget handed down on 3 May, participants in the wine industry have expressed significant concerns regarding the Federal Government’s proposal to reform the Wine Equalisation Tax Rebate (WET Rebate) and the related eligibility criteria.
Extension of time to rectify non-commercial LRBA loans – deadline now 31 January 2017
In our previous Time For Action article the deadline for ensuring existing non-commercial limited recourse borrowing arrangement (LRBA) loans were put on commercial terms was 30 June 2016.
'No goodwill' professional practices - The ATO’s administrative treatment of acquisitions and disposals of interests in such practices
The ATO has recently released guidelines on its administrative treatment for the application of certain tax issues when interests in ‘no goodwill’ professional partnerships, trusts and incorporated practices (practices) are acquired or disposed.
Time for action: safe harbour guidelines issued by the ATO for related party LRBA loans
On 6 April 2016, the ATO issued Practical Compliance Guidelines PCG 2016/5 Income tax - arm's length terms for Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangements established by self managed superannuation funds (Guideline)
General limited partnership business structures under review by ATO
In Taxpayer Alert TA 2015/4 (Alert) the Commissioner has issued a warning that the Australian Taxation Office is actively investigating arrangements involving a general limited partnership structure that are being used as a vehicle to minimise the tax liability of individual stakeholders involved.
New tax measures for farmers available immediately
Farmers are relieved by the Federal Government’s decision to bring forward the start date for new farm tax breaks.
'Reinventing the ATO' blueprint released including new online resource
On Thursday 19 March the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) released their program blueprint “Reinventing the ATO”. The ATO stated that the blueprint describes the kind of experience that Australians expect to have when they deal with the ATO and that it will guide everything that the ATO does in the coming years.
1,400 ACNC Charities face deregistration and loss of tax concessions
The ACNC have announced that up to 1,400 ACNC registered charities face deregistration unless they lodge their Annual Information Statement (AIS) by 30 March 2015. Each of these charities has failed to lodge their AIS for 2 consecutive years. If deregistered, they will no longer be eligible for charity tax concessions including income tax, fringe benefit tax and GST.
Beware of waiving privilege when disclosing the 'gist' of advice
In the recent Federal Court case of Krok v Commissioner of Taxation[1] a taxpayer was implied to have waived the right to legal professional privilege by disclosing documents which refer to the purpose and reasoning of legal advice. As a result, the taxpayer may be required to discover documents that would otherwise have been protected.
Business Restructure Roll-Overs Extended in Tax Law Bill No. 6 2014
The Tax and Superannuation Laws Amendment (2014 Measures No 6) Bill 2014 (the Bill) has now been passed by both Houses of Parliament and is expected to receive assent shortly.