Tax Paul Gray Tax Paul Gray

A candlelit dinner with the ATO no more

On 6 February 2019, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) withdrew Interpretative Decision 2003/589 (decision) which provided that a company can forgive a debt owed by a natural person for reasons of “natural love and affection” without consequence.

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Technology, Tax Paul Gray Technology, Tax Paul Gray

Cryptocurrencies – keep your records

In light of the ATO’s current position that income from cryptocurrency sales will generally be taxed under capital gains tax (CGT) provisions and increased scrutiny on cryptocurrency transactions, taxpayers should ensure they keep accurate records of cryptocurrency transactions.

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Technology, Tax Paul Gray Technology, Tax Paul Gray

Cryptos, CGT and the Personal Use Asset Exemption

Did you or do you currently hold cryptocurrencies? Did you sell any cryptocurrencies before finding out that the Australian Tax Office (ATO) would vigilantly tax cryptocurrency sales? Are you left scratching your head after reading the ATO’s guidance? If so, you are one of many Australians currently finding themselves in an uncertain tax situation.

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Tax Paul Gray Tax Paul Gray

Corporate tax residency – who controls your foreign entities?

Foreign companies that may be controlled by an Australian entity should review their decision-making based on the Australian Taxation Office (ATOTaxation Ruling, TR 2018/5 (TR 2018/5).  It is timely for Australian groups with foreign-incorporated subsidiaries to consider whether they are appropriately managing tax residency risk by re-visiting and/or implementing tax residency protocols and ensuring that they can be applied practically.

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Tax Paul Gray Tax Paul Gray

Lessons From Stojic: It Is Better To Under Promise And Over Deliver When Negotiating Payment Arrangements With The ATO

The Commissioner of Taxation (Commissioner) has power pursuant to section 255-15(1) of Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 (TAA) to permit a taxpayer to pay off its tax debts by instalments in accordance with a payment arrangement. The recent Federal Court decision of Stojic v Deputy Commissioner of Taxation [2018] FCA 483 (Stojic), which dismissed an application by the sole director and shareholder of the taxpayer company to review a decision by the Commissioner to decline to exercise that power, provides two important lessons.   

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Easements and Covenants, Tax Paul Gray Easements and Covenants, Tax Paul Gray

New GST withholding regime for purchasers of new residential premises and new subdivisions of potential residential land

From 1 July 2018 purchasers of new residential premises or of new subdivisions of potential residential land that are taxable supplies will be required to pay 1/11th of the purchase price directly to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) at settlement, if  the exposure draft legislation released by the Government on 6 November 2017 passes in its current form.  Subject to limited exceptions under proposed transitional rules, the new GST withholding obligation will apply even if a vendor applies the GST margin scheme.

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Trusts, Tax Paul Gray Trusts, Tax Paul Gray

ATO provides a “safe harbour” for fixed trusts

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) published the final version of the Practical Compliance Guidelines (PCG) 2016/16, which provides guidance in relation to what will be considered by the Commissioner when exercising his discretion to treat an interest in the income or capital of a trust as being a fixed entitlement, and by extension whether a trust is a fixed trust for most tax law purposes.

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